
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Home Meet Wrap Up

Well, I survived the home swim meet!! I stuck it out, and swam every event I entered. I also overcame a HUGE obstacle. I did my 50 Breaststroke off the block!! I've had a big mental thing with the blocks, since I've never really learned to use them. Coaches Erica and Katie gave me a crash course last Wednesday and Thursday night. I felt comfortable enough, after that, to use it on Saturday. I can't wait to get up there and go again. I can't wait until the next meet in Knoxville this December. So much that I can do now!! I'm happy to report, that I took first in all my events and dropped all my times!! I'm not terribly fast, but I sure do put a lot of effort in it. Counting the 200 mixed medley relay that I did, I swam a total of 5 events. Last year, that would have ensured a trip to the hospital. The bootcamp has been wonderful! I can tell SUCH a difference. I bettered my time in the 200 Back with so much less effort than I put in it last year. Bootcamp is one investment that certainly has paid off. I'll make sure that I'm there in that class, every time I get a chance. It's back to regular practice tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm just waiting to see what Coaches Erica and Katie have planned for me now!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Home Swim Meet

Every time, I let the time get away from me. I ended up finishing the summer very strong. I feel so much more comfortable in the water now. The fall semester has started, and I'm doing a juggling act this year. I'm back in school, heading the swim club, training for a new job position, on the vestry at church, and several other things. So to say I'm busy is an understatement. Club recruitment went extremely well this year. We've gained a lot of good, active members. I'm happy to see so much enthusiasm. Our fall practices have been scattered, due to meetings and football games, but we are doing the best we can with what we've got!

Our home meet is this coming Saturday. I've signed up for the 200 Back, 100 Back, 50 Back, and the 50 Breast. I'm the most worried about the 200 Back. We haven't had a chance to do a lot of sprint training, so I'm nervy. I guess it will work out just fine. Turns out, I'm the only one, out of the whole meet, to sign up for that event. It's going to get lonely out there. I think I'm more nervous about swimming in front of everyone alone, but it looks like I can just make it a really good warm up. Hope I don't regret it later. Everyone cross their fingers!

Friday, August 26, 2011

BIG Update!

This has really been a wild past few weeks. Casey and I took a quick, weekend trip to Destin a week or so ago. We took the 3 puppies to the kennel, and Mom took care of the rest at home. There was a bad incident, while we were gone. One morning, Mom let Shiloh out to potty. She was right on the side of the street and the yard. A car came flying up the street and hit her on the side of the road!! They didn't even stop!! So, we had to let our sweet, sweet Shiloh cross the Rainbow Bridge. We loved and miss her very much!!

RIP Sweet Shiloh

Despite the bad news, as soon as we got to Destin, we tried to have a good time anyway. Here's some shots from the trip.

Public beaches at Destin.


Beach at Henderson State Park.



Casey napping on the beach.

Me attempting to go Boogie Boarding!

On Saturday night, we had dinner at McGuire's Irish Pub. It was absolutely delicious! We had the 18 cent Senate Bean soup and the Shepherd's pie. We also had their yummy, home brewed Raspberry Wheat beer. The entertainment was hysterical, and everyone was signing old, Irish drinking songs. I really can't wait to go back there!

Enjoying the brew at McGuire's.

It was a very short vacation, and we were soon back home and back to work. The following Saturday, I had my annual Fenton Payne & Fred 5K race. All summer I've been swimming and doing circuit training, but I really haven't been doing any distance running. I ended up being faster than last year!! I really have improved my endurance the past year! This is always my very favorite 5K, and I had a great time! I again ran for Special Kids as a part of Team A.S.K. My child partner was Olivia, and she was such a sweetheart. Olivia suffers from a rare lung disease called NEHI.

Here's me and Olivia.

Race shots.
Just crossed the finish.



School starts tomorrow, and I'm back in school. So, I'm definitely going to have a busy fall with Celebration Pet Day, School, and swimming Blue Wave Raiders Masters Team again this year! We've got 2 home meets scheduled this year; one for Fall and one for Spring. So, it's busy, busy, busy for me!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Ever since Tuesday this past week, I've felt like utter crap in the pool!! I can't swim my usual 500 freestyle warmup without getting winded. I'm not quite sure what's up. I took Wednesday off as a recovery day. Did my dryland/running routine on Thursday, took Friday as a recovery day and was back in the pool today. I was crappy again. Granted, I was sharing a lane today and had to stop to monitor the weather status at the outdoor pool, given by the lifeguards every few minutes. We finally moved inside, and while it did get a little better, it still didn't feel good. I DON'T like it, when I don't feel good in the water. I hate workouts, where I feel like I'm struggling every stroke. What's wrong with me?

The only thing I can figure is I've ramped up my exercise routine the past 3 weeks. For the past 2 weeks, I've worked out/swam 6 days a week. Maybe I just crashed this week. Here's hoping for a better week next week. Now I have to decide whether tomorrow is a workout day or not? Anyone have any experience with this kind of thing?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Today's Workout

Since Coach Erica is at a swim meet today, I'm running the noon practice. It's ok. I've done this kind of thing before. Although I'm totally no help, if anyone has a stroke problem. This is the biggest, most involved workout I've done in the last couple of weeks. I'll probably be ready to die, by the time it is over! Here's what's on today's agenda:

Warm Up:
200 swim
200 pull
200 kick
200 swim

Main Set:
4x100 IM (30 sec. rest) (IM order: butter, back, breast, free)
4X100 free (pace yourself/not too slow but not too fast) (30 sec rest)
4x50 choice (first 25 medium speed/second 25 all out sprint) (60 sec. rest)
200 choice easy
4x50 back (medium speed/20 sec. rest)
4x50 breast (medium speed/20 sec. rest)
4x25 choice SPRINTS (25 sec. rest)

Cool Down:
200 choice

Total: 2700

Friday, June 10, 2011

Just Keep Swimming!

I went to my dryland training "Boot Camp" for the 2nd time last night. I really liked last night's sets. We were in the weight room. We had 2 stations for ab/core work; one stop on the bench with the medicine ball, and one stop with the giant exercise ball. Then we did the lat pull down machine, the thigh press, the arm press, and the arm/fly press. We did 4 sets. In between each set, we went out to the track and ran laps. I really do like circuit training! I ended up running nearly a mile, just in class last night. Since we really concentrated on our upper body, I'm not nearly as sore today. It's amazing how swimming has strengthened my arms, back, and shoulders! I'm looking forward to next week's sessions!

I had spent the earlier part of the week concentrating on recovery swims, since I was SO incredibly sore from the first session. I spent the better part of the week in pain. I did manage to get a double in on Tuesday, but the yardage ended up being about 3000 or so. Today, I finally got my first "real" swim in of the week. I realize that I've got to push myself. One of my favorite swim quotes is, "Get comfortable with being uncomfortable in practice." I had to keep repeating that in my head today, while I was swimming. My flipturns are off kilter, because of the stomach pain from the tough ab workouts this week. I just have to make myself keep flipping hard and fast through the pain. I KNOW it will get better!

Here's what I did:

Warm Up:
200 Swim
100 IM Kick
200 Pull

Main Set:
100 Swim
100 IM
200 Swim
200 IM
150 Swim
3 x 100 IM
4 x 50 Kick FAST
4 x 25 Underwaters

Cool Down:

Total: 2100

Not a massively big workout, but it's definitely a start!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Yesterday, I started an intensive summer dryland program. I seriously need more core strength. I wanna use the core strength for better, faster flipturns. Anyway, my local Rec Center has a "Boot Camp" class that is run by a personal trainer. It's a very small class and is held three times a week.

I got to class last night, not knowing quite what to expect. Last night's class was A LOT of circuit training. We'd got through a set targeted to a specific body part, then head out to the track for some running. Then back to the cardio room for more sets. It was a great all over body workout. We did a lot of squats and lunges off of the steps last night too. Both good for explosiveness off the wall! There was LOTS of core work too! If I sit for any period of time today, it takes me a while to get up and get going! I'm used to running and swimming, but this class was truly a challenge for me. I never thought I would use running to catch my breath!

I'm so sore today that today's lunchtime swim was a recovery workout. Swim, kick, pull for 3 sets, all done slow and easy. I'm going back tonight for another thousand, just to keep from getting so stiff. I have my online class tonight, so I'll be sitting in my work chair for a long time today. Probably around 13 hours, so I need that second swim!

I have another dryland class coming up on Thursday. I'm just praying to keep up and not die!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

SwimFest 11

I know, I know, it's been a really long time. Quick update: I'm still trying to learn a good fly. I'm definitely getting faster. I survived Coach Katie's spring training, and now we're onto summer practices with Coach Erica. The outdoor pool is open for the season, and I'm one happy swimmer. I just REALLY enjoy swimming outside. Give me the sun anyday!

I had a GREAT opportunity come my way in May. The club paid for me to go to USMS SwimFest 11. It was held this year in Jonesboro, GA. Not a bad drive from home, at all. Anyway, this is the first USMS clinic that I've ever been to, and I was unsure of what to expect. Well, it was everything I had hoped and more.

The early morning was spent in classroom sessions. We had the "History of Swimming" with Coach Bobby Patten. Then we went to "There's a Drill for That", where we broke down stroke flaws and identified drills to correct the problem with Coach Cokie Lepenski. The next session was all about dryland work. It was held by a physical therapist named Alan Tyson. Dr. Tyson has worked with Cullen Jones and Mark Gangloff. He focuses on making you more flexible to achieve better form in the water, which in turn makes you faster, without needing more strength. Just the few little tweaks and tricks that he demonstrated made a huge difference. He is certifying folks in this method. For more info, go to www.axisswimming.com

About mid morning we started our pool portion of the day. First we went to video taping. We were allowed to tape 3 strokes (they all could be the same, if there was something we really wanted to work on). Upon exiting the pool, we sat down with one of the top coaches to have our strokes analyzed and forms filled out with suggestions. I really lucked up. I was analyzed by Cokie Lepenski. She holds the titles of Kerry O'Brien Coaching Award and the 2011 Pacific Masters Coach of the Year Award. I chose to do a freestyle stroke and two backstroke. This was the first time that I've been taped, and I was pleasantly suprised that they didn't have much for me to improve on either stroke. In fact, I received a fabulous compliment from Cokie. She told me that I have one of the prettiest backstrokes that she's ever seen. Talk about feeling over the moon for the rest of the day!! I just wish we could have gotten copies of our videos.

After the videotaping, we moved onto FINIS equipment testing. We got to test out some of their very best products. It was SOOO much fun! I love swim equipment! On the day's list was the: Tempo Trainer, Forearm Fulcrums, Foil Monofins, Z2 Gold Zoomers, Bolster Paddles, the Tech Toc, Alignment Kickboards, and my personal favorite the Swimp3 Player. I really enjoyed testing all the different equipment. It was interesting to see what worked for me and what didn't. My favorites were the Z2 Gold Zoomer, the Foil Monofin, the Tempo Trainer, and the Swimp3 Player. After the testing was over, we had the choice of buying any of the equipment for half price. I went home with my shiny Swimp3 Player for half price!! I've already gotten a lot of use out of it. I was also THRILLED, when I realized that we had a set of Forearm Fulcrums and a Tempo Trainer to take home in goodie bags! I'm planning on ordering the Zoomers soon too!

After the testing session, we broke for lunch. They had lunch catered in and it was yummy! The planners had kept us well plied with snacks and drinks all day long. There was even a session on Open Water and Distance Swimming, while we ate. I'm not into open water, but it was interesting to hear all the tips and tricks.

The afternoon session, we were back in the pool. It was the time for all swimmers and coaches for all strokes and drills. The coaches led us in each stroke and had drills for each part of the stroke. It was really interesting with that many swimmers in the water, but we got it done!

It was a great weekend, and I sure hope that I'm able to go next year! Here a some shots of the day!

Me during the drill portion of the day.

Coach katie (She's on the right with the auburn hair and glasses)and the rest of the coaches helping during the drill portion.

A side view of a portion of the coaches and swimmers. Me, Katie, and Erica were the last ones on the left.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Since When Do I IM?

It seems that Coach Katie is going to make me into an IM swimmer. Both practices this week have focused on IMs. I'll admit, it's made me work on learning fly so it's good. I'll admit that I really do like changing strokes. Once I learn fly, I think I could get into it (please, nobody tell Katie). Here's today's butt kicking workout.

This workout focuses on smooth transitions.

Warm Up:
200 Swim
100 IM Kick
100 IM Drill
200 Swim
100 IM Kick
100 IM Drill
200 IM

Main Set:
2 x 100 50 Fly/50 Back
100 Free
2 x 100 50 Breast/50 Free
100 Free
3 x 100 IM FAST
2 x 75 Fly, Back, Breast
150 Free
2 X 75 Back, Breast, Free
150 Free
2 x 200 IM FAST

Cool Down:

Total: 3200

February 1st Workout

200 Swim
100 DPS
100 Kick
100 Pull
3 X 100 IM

2 x 50 Kick Descending
2 X 150 Fly, Free; Back, Free; Breast, Free
2 X 100 Kick No Board/Swim
200 Stroke

2 Minutes Rest

50 Kick/Drill
50 Stroke
50 Least Favorite

300 Cool Down

Total: 3300 yds.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Doubling Up!

Since the first of the year, Katie has been increasing our yardage. Last week, I swam nearly 10,000 yards! That's unheard of for me. It's really been great, though. It's pushing me past my comfort zone, and it's paying off. I'm feeling much stronger and more in control. I feel that I've come such a long way, even from the time of the Louisville meet in November. I'm trying to psych myself up for the Auburn meet in February. I'd really like to improve my times by at least a second or two.

Here's today's workout:

200 Swim

100 Monkey Drill (freestyle; flip every 5th stroke)
100 Sideways Fly Kick
100 Fingertips Drill
2 x 50 2 Turns (Go to middle of the pool and start. Flip on both ends, finish in middle.)
150 Kick
150 Pull

75 Free
75 Stroke
75 (Back, Breast, Free)
75 Kick No Board

2X at Even Pace:

300 Cool Down

Total: 3300 yards.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Western Kentucky Green Gators Meet

I hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! I was lucky that I got a decent amount of pool time in on the break. I got to swim nearly every day, while I was off. It really paid off too!

Our team attended the Western Kentucky Green Gators, Barbara Stevens Memorial meet on Saturday, January 8th. Considering the meet was during the winter break, we had a total of 5 team members participate. I had entered the 50 Backstroke and the 50 Freestyle. We also deck entered for the 200 Medley relay. I swam the backstroke leg of that race. I was really suprised. I dropped my times in all of my races. All of those hard practice workouts that Katie had me do really helped! I left the meet with a first place ribbon for the 50 backstroke and a second place ribbon for my 50 freestyle. Here are the videos of my races.